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(Jun 2023) Interview, Strategische personeelsplanning? Jij kan ’t ook!  Bekijk het interview

(Jun 2022)  Summary of the book ‘In 10 steps strategic workforce planning’ on Expertplein, with intro video   To Expertplein

(Dec 2021)  Book ‘Plan your HR strategy in 10 steps. Boost your organization’s playing field and reap the rewards.’ Publisher Expert Book   Order

(Dec 2021)  Livestream at the book launch ‘Plan your HR strategy in 10 steps’   Watch the video

( Dec 2021)  Video comments on the book ‘In 10 steps strategic workforce planning’   Watch the video

(Oct 2020)  Interview about the book ‘In 10 steps strategic personnel planning’   Watch the video

(Sept 2020)  Book: “Strategic personnel planning in 10 steps. Strengthen the playing field in your organization and enjoy your profit.” Publisher Expert Book; Purchase

(Sept 2020) Article: “Does SPP require a different strategy approach?” Read the article

(Sept 2020) Articles: “Read all PW blogs from 2020”  Read the articles

( Jan 2014 – present)  PW.Vakblad for personnel management, publisher Vakmedianet; expert blogger in the field of HRM of the future,  See the period up to 2019 here – See the period from 2019 here

(Dec 2019)  Symposium VerduurSamen van Stichting Pioneering on December 2, 2019, contribution about Result-oriented Collaboration. See the link for the report on the successful event.

(Nov 2016)  Applying Self-Management. Watch the Youtube video

(Oct 2016) LinkedIn: ‘Why hold on when it can be loosened?’, View the publication on LinkedIn

(Dec 2016)  ‘Tip for the business: start with a clean slate’; View the publication on LinkedIn

(Sept 2016) Interview: ‘Self-management: a new future for HR?’; See here

(Febr 2014)  PWDeGids, ‘High time for HR innovation’, C. van de Pas View the PDF

(Febr 1997) Hasselt/Leuven University, ‘From P&O to HRM’, E. Spijkerman and C. van de Pas  View the PDF